00000133 x 916
Back to the past

Back to the past

Escape Room

1998… Jason Brandon has developed a time machine. He was thus launched in 2010 and recovered a precious object: the sports almanac of the last 5 decades! This little genius then returned to 1998 and fraudulently became a millionaire.

Solve this mystery
Léonard Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Léonard Gretenfield
00000291 x 816
The Fort

The Fort

Escape Room

In France, in the heart of the Middle Ages, the grand master of the Templars was unjustly imprisoned in a dungeon at Castelnau. Only you, knights, can free him. Will you be strong enough to save the Order of the Templars?

Solve this mystery
Henry Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Henry Gretenfield
00000196 x 98
Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus

Escape Room

1692, city of Salem, the 3 Tituba sisters were inadvertently awakened. Furious and revengeful, they will cast a terrible spell on the city. You will only have 60 minutes to prevent their Machiavellian plan.

Solve this mystery
Louise Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Louise Gretenfield
0000037 x 412


Escape Room

1861, Virginia City, the owner of the city’s most popular saloon has priceless loot illegally acquired by stealing and looting stage coaches. Bartender by day, brigand by night, is he really the one nicknamed the “Terrible Black Gun”?

Solve this mystery
Henry Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Henry Gretenfield
00000216 x 162


Escape Room

You are on your way home from vacation, when suddenly a torrential rain forces you to stop. It’s dark, you are tired and you decide to rest before getting back on the road. No hotel has a spare room, none except this one. You’ve heard strange things about it, but you don’t really believe in ghost stories. Strangely enough, you are the only hotel guests that night, and you will probably regret it soon …

Solve this mystery
Louise Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Louise Gretenfield
00000168 x 88


Investigation game

Virginie, Quantico – FBI Academy – In the face of the increasing complexity of criminal investigations, the FBI Academy is looking for new elite agents. In the mysterious offices of the agency, you are received by the instructors who have trained the best field agents. The sense of duty and of country can be read on their closed faces.

Solve this mystery
Nora Gretenfield

Investigation led by

Nora Gretenfield
Henry Gretenfield
Henry Gretenfield

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